Counter-Strike 1.6 Game Online Play Free

Sometimes situations happen when really good products are released by the fans who are talented developers by skills, but not by profession. These situations serve as a moving and inspiring example for others who have not much confidence in themselves. And we can call Counter-Strike 1.6 another example of this category.

This game was developed by the enthusiasts, two fans one of which was previously occupied with the development of the mod for Quake 2.This time the work was on the modification for Half-Life. These two made their work come out, and almost instantly it gained much popularity.

The game quickly attracted attention of the american company Valve which employed the authors of the idea and continued to improve what they have created. That was the beginning of the series, the last release of which is CS:GO.


One of the peculiarities of CS:GO and previous versions is the competition which is a base of the whole gameplay. The players gather into two teams, each has 5 members.

Two teams are two competing sides, and corresponding to the style of the release, teams are called ‘terrorists’ or T, and ‘counter-terrorists’ or SF. A particular competition is called a match and is divided into rounds. At the end of the match each team gets a reward, winners get more.

To win, members of each team need to complete the tasks. These differ depending on the location – map which teams can choose. Thus, we have 3 types of tasks. The first is hostage rescue, where the members of one team need to hold victims, and members of the other one to lead them to the safe zone. If SF manages to lead all of the hostages to the safety zone before the time’s up, they win. If not, terrorists win.

The second type of task is to defuse a bomb. T need to plant two of them, and SF – to disengage them. It’s clear who wins in case the bomb was planted, but if not – the team which lost all of its members loses. The last type is the least popular. VIP Assassination is a match where the team of SF has one member the T team needs to kill.


As the product became very popular after being released, it gave birth to many accompanying things, either good or bad. One of them, that’s common for the 1.6 version and CS:GO, is cheating. Players created many cheat-programs which were to facilitate the play a lot, and to have the advantage in competition.

So the community and Valve corporation created anti-cheat programs, and organized corresponding rules on servers which give the right to the administration to ban players that use such SW. That made the future versions and updates, CS:GO in particular, more safe, and allowed the players to have a lot of fun, but in fair competition.